Which headcanon was
It that rivaled the life you
Live in the minutes bet-
Ween showers
Did cross your legs when
The man in black
Walked by, for sacred and
Earthly compromise
Your voice sibilant, cough-
Ing excess carbon into the
Air and oh how a cigarette
Would nestle itself
Inside your plump lips
While you waxed on about
Vexations in retail
How many cig
arette butts lie
In the old Star
bucks cup you
Keep beside
Your bed, cau
ght yellow in
Your eyes fro
m exhalations
While buck
ing hips again
st an old man
's cock, catch
the time on th
e phone, 15 min
Somebody on the train noticed the bruise
On your arm and asked about it and you
Were too nervous to tell them it was from
Poledancing classes but why everyone does
It but she was an old woman she wouldn't
Understand so you said your friend accid
Ently slammed a door on your arm it was
The worst lie you ever told and the woman
Pursed her lips and looked at you & said
“A man like that don't deserve you”
& she was right but still you had six more
Stops on the train & now everyone's l
ooking @ ur arm now
Your dog wants to go pee
But when you're outside
You loop the video of
The girl walking
And the doorbell cam
And the hooded man
Walking swiftly
They are behind a truck
And then he's runninand the news article shows the stitches on herneckandhead and she's alive and u just shampood the carpet so let's go let's put on some goddamn sweatpants and don't forget your mace
Disney princess.
The belle of the ball.
Daisy dukes.
Farrah Fawcett.
Even base.
An old man at the gym.
Tone that booty.
Pelvic thrusts.
Avocado toast.
Juicing everything.
A hooded man behind a truck.
Fuck. No—
“Why is everything you write so depressing? You have a job and your own apartment. A car. You go on trips and see concerts. You went to Coachella. You bought your own ticket! But all your words are like … wilted. Why? Why can't you write something happy?”
I am wasting time.
Corkscrew through the universe,
A million years before
We ever catch up.
I fought wars in another life
And feel the scars cut
Into my bones like saw blades.
See pictures of lunch
Like food-sight,
I have thighs that open for
Brunch, motherfucker.
Such a moon, aloft in the black
Caught and held there. She fights
The urge to vomit. There are
Children outside playing jacks.
Who taught them how to play jacks?
The water is warm, a fetal opulence.
She sleeps and wakes in a hospital.
Now I leave the fan on
At night.
I sleep on my back like
A vampire.
I cry and change soaked
I listen to Clair de Lune
On repeat.
The mornings keep