This site has been in one form or another since I was fourteen years old. That was around 1997, when I first got AOL. Before AOL I had CompuServe, which was awesome, but they didn't give you free webpages so I didn't have a webpage. Once we had AOL, though, I used a name I made up in 7th grade Keyboarding class (Zornog) as my screen name, and the rest of that is history. Zornog has been my moniker ever since then, and although sometimes I wish I didn't have it, I'm ultimately glad that I can be recognized so easily. Thus, in 2003 I secured the rights to zornog.com, and here we are now.

This site is several things. It is a backup of stories I write. It is entertainment via those stories and also from comics and pictures and the various retarded wavs that I make. It's a template for sprite design. It's a little online home, really, that has its doors open for people to come in all the damn time, sit on my couch, drink my herbal tea. Yeah, whatever, go right ahead! You moochers!

uhhh ... what else. The inspiration for the webpage design as of 25 Dec 2003 is once again Megaman, who for years has been a personal favorite character of mine. Sprites are fun to make into webpages, too. There was a moment where I was like, "I can't make a decent webpage without sprites! Woe is me!" but then I realized that sprite webpage design is somewhat rare on the internet. I have found my niche!

My other online niche is writing. Serials, specifically. Although most of my work comes to a halt after a while, because of school or writer's block or whatever, at least one project is coming along fairly well -- The Quake Saga. It's by far the longest thing I've ever written: 130,000+ words and counting. So check it out, will ya! And enjoy the site!